Drew the shed to scale, the structure isn't 100% correct but it shows enough detail for rendering views out of the house.

A&L windows don't have sketchup models of their windows however with some tedious work I was able to move them from the revit models they have and re-size each type to suit my window sizes. These should be pretty close to the true thing. The best part is the model includes the brick sill (although I don't have a suitable texture!!) which is pretty cool!

The view from the garage looking up the hall - it's a bit dark in this shot but that's because I haven't put doors on the garage yet.

Looking out towards where the shed will be (this is after I'd done the windows, but before I'd modelled the shed!)

Whole site aerial view

Interior, wide angle of view.

Front door, BAL12.5 Corinthian PMAD104 painted in Dulux Orangeade. No handle yet, I know!

Rear door done as well

Sketchup allows you to vary the field of view, this is probably a bit closer to about 24mm on a full frame camera. Click the image to get a bigger version by the way - I've put a bit of a retaining wall and some stairs in here...

One option, a slight step down.

With the backfill layer still turned on, this is another option with a sunken seating area or similar with a bigger retaining wall for the lawn.
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